terça-feira, 18 de março de 2008

It's all about Brian or Portrait

(Talvez por influência, talvez por achar que vai perder a graça se eu traduzir, posto este em inglês, conforme o original)
The music is now playing. The first beat is coming from the drums. In the back, he holds his guitar. He's not there anymore. He's all music and song. He closes his eyes ans his fingers are dancing on the chords. It comes naturally. He dances. He has fun. He's worshiping. He breathes and drinks each notes. His songs are part of him. And each of his own songs tells something about his wonderful soul.
He's a new friend. He's not afraid to be sincere, open and clear. He's honest. About himself and about people. Just like music, he's that kind of melody that touches you, makes you laugh, makes you cry, makes you think, and you just want to sing forever. The way he talks about his life and his girl makes me wonder if there are many men like him.
He's like a peaceful song. That one that you pick up to carry with you. That one you write in the corner of your notebook, during the class, and keep singing it the whole day. He's like that song that you say it's your favorite and you always want to hear when you're by yourself.
There's something about the way he looks at me, with his deep blue eyes. I feel like he's looking inside me and trying to figure me out.
The concert is finishing, he opens his eyes, looks at me and smiles. He blinks at me and we just know we can read each other minds: this was an amazing time to live.
(É. Deve haver algum erro no meu inglês. Mas depois vocês me corrijam. O essencial agora é tentar imaginar quão interessante é ter alguém que te decifra, como uma boa música)
XOXO. Lee.

2 comentários:

Unknown disse...

Se essa moda de escrever em inglês pegar, tô lascado! rs

Mas, como não posso corrigir o inglês, corrijo o português: troque "corrigem" por "corrijam" pra ficar mais legal! :D

beijos, ricardo

Lê Cami disse...

Valeu a dica, Rick!
